Takes All Kinds Dan Hoyle The Marsh In the fall of 2022, Dan Hoyle found himself at a “40s-something” party where during the chit-chat of chardonnay sipping, someone said to him, “So you do journalistic theatre? But aren’t they both kinda collapsing?” Given an insatiable drive to discover core truths about a community, culture, and/or even an entire country; a … [Read more...] about Takes All Kinds
The Marsh
Swimming with Lesbians
Swimming with Lesbians Marga Gomez The Marsh Grab your life preserver; stop by the bar on the Lezzo Deck for a ‘sapphotini;’ and welcome aboard The Celesbian, “the world’s oldest lesbian cruise line because we have the world’s oldest lesbians on board.” We may think we are at The Marsh Berkeley; but under the command of the comic antics of veteran author and performer … [Read more...] about Swimming with Lesbians
Talk to Your People
Talk to Your People Dan Hoyle The Marsh Celebrated creator and performer of solo shows about such topics as Nigerian oil scandals (Tings Dey Happen), Red States folks telling their side of the story (The Real Americans), and heart-wrenching yet funny portrayals of men and women from minority races and cultures (The Border People), Oakland … [Read more...] about Talk to Your People
“Who Killed Sylvia Plath”
Who Killed Sylvia PlathLynne KaufmanThe MarshLorri HoltAs she sits looking at her own tombstone – the fourth one after feminist vandals keep chiseling away her last name “Hughes” of a husband they believe caused her early-age suicide – Sylvia Plath quotes the lyrics of Taylor Swift, another so-called femme fatale often now linked to the poet who died over twenty-five years … [Read more...] about “Who Killed Sylvia Plath”
“Border People”
Border PeopleDan HoyleThe MarshDan HoyleHow many average-sized, white guys can start a one-man show in San Francisco taking on the South Bronx, slang-filled dialect and the smooth-moving body motions of a six-foot-five black man and not get booed off the stage? What if that same white actor employs numerous other ways of positioning his eyebrows, eyes, mouth, posture, … [Read more...] about “Border People”
“A History of WWII: THe D-Day Invasion to the Fall of Berlin”
A History of WWII: The D-Day Invasion to the Fall of BerlinJohn FisherThe MarshJohn FisherIs it because he was just an over-imaginative, hyper-active boy? Was it the fact his parents had a woods in the back yard that begged to be the site of grandiose war games with the neighborhood gang? Did he really see himself as a WASP-y kid who needed the thrill of play … [Read more...] about “A History of WWII: THe D-Day Invasion to the Fall of Berlin”
“Why Would I Mispronounce My Own Name?”
Why Would I Mispronounce My Own Name?Irma HerreraThe MarshIrma HerreraSo how would you say her name: Irma Herrara? If you are thinking the same as a few somewhat famous Irma’s you may know like Irma Rombauer (author, Joy of Cooking), Irma Thomas (“Soul Queen of New Orleans”), or Hurricane Irma (2017, Category 5), then you – like I -- evidently are not among the 47 million … [Read more...] about “Why Would I Mispronounce My Own Name?”
“Acid Test: The Many Reincarnations of Ram Dass”
Acid Test: The Many Reincarnations of Ram DassLynne KaufmanThe MarshWarren David KeithCarrying his upturned, paralyzed hand with both proud dignity and obvious discomfort, the old gentleman enters limping with a smile genuine and glowing while his words creep out slowly. “Thank you for being here ... now.” Explaining that “I was stroked,” he continues to describe … [Read more...] about “Acid Test: The Many Reincarnations of Ram Dass”
“Two Minds”
Two MindsLynne KaufmanThe MarshBrian Herndon & Jackson Davis“Together, we had a goose that would lay a golden egg; and when we didn’t, we had an omelet.” Such is the memory of his many years in collaborative relationship with his thinking and research partner, Amos Tversky, that Daniel Kahneman recounts as he receives the 2002 Nobel Prize for Economics on both of … [Read more...] about “Two Minds”
“A Fatal Step”
A Fatal StepJill ViceThe MarshJill ViceMaybe the archetype goes all the way back to Eve and the apple. Ancient models can be traced to Jezebel, Delilah, and Salome in the biblical era or Aphrodite, Helen of Troy, or Medea from the Greek and Roman myths. Jumping millennia ahead into the 1930s and ‘40s Hollywood, the great femme fatales – “fatal women,” sometimes … [Read more...] about “A Fatal Step”
“Durst Case Scenario”
Durst Case ScenarioWill DurstThe MarshWill DurstIn early summer 2016, Will Durst -- political comedian extraordinaire and a San Francisco Treat if there were ever one – took The Marsh stage by storm in a one-person show entitled Elect to Laugh in which he skewered one-by-one all the many, many candidates then running for president in both parties. Even then, the missteps, … [Read more...] about “Durst Case Scenario”
“The Mushroom Cure”
The Mushroom CureAdam StraussThe Marsh Adam StraussThere is no way anyone can walk out of The Mushroom Cure without a greater understanding of OCD and an never-to-be-forgotten empathy for its sufferers. But everyone is also ensured to leave feeling uplifted by the true story of how this man, this comedian, and now even this new friend of ours has found in the end … [Read more...] about “The Mushroom Cure”
“Daughter of a Garbage Man”
Daughter of a Garbage ManMaureen LanganThe MarshMaureen LanganMaureen Langan -- accomplished stand-up comedian, journalist, and talk show host – has a fixation on the Kardashians. She can hardly stop talking about Kim, especially when comparing their two lives and the unfair difference between their fame and fortune. One of the two followed the advice of her … [Read more...] about “Daughter of a Garbage Man”
“The Real Americans”
The Real AmericansDan HoyleThe MarshDan Hoyle as a Man Met in MississippiDan Hoyle, the master of disguise, chameleon of personality, mimic of dialect, and man with the sharpest of wits and the biggest of hearts has returned after a several-year hiatus better than ever, bringing folk from all across America with him to The Marsh to tell their stories, in their own words and … [Read more...] about “The Real Americans”
“East 14th”
East 14thDon ReedThe Marsh Don Reed is currently reviving at Berkeley’s The Marsh his much-touted, critically acclaimed East 14th, a solo show that has played in past years at both at The Marsh and on New York stages and has even been heard in excerpts on NPR. The one-man writer, performer, producer, and director joyfully and playfully walks us … [Read more...] about “East 14th”