Push/Pull Harry Davis Central Works Dedication/Obsession. Self-esteem/Self-disgust. Fulfilling a dream/Living a delusion. Acceptable friendship/Forbidden Intimacy. Wanting to feel male/Wanting the feel of a male. Life seeking/Death wishing. Where is the boundary between these extremes? When and how does the balance shift from one side to the other? Is … [Read more...] about Push/Pull
world premiere
Happy Pleasant Valley: A Senior Sex Scandal Murder Mystery Musical
Happy Pleasant Valley: A Senior Sex Scandal Murder Mystery Musical Min Kahng (Book, Music & Lyrics) TheaterWorks Silicon Valley, in Co-Production with Center Repertory Company Reminiscent of Sondheim's Passion, the musical now in its world premiere at TheatreWorks Silicon Valley also opens in the midst of a hot, bedroom scene of lovemaking, with arms and bodies … [Read more...] about Happy Pleasant Valley: A Senior Sex Scandal Murder Mystery Musical
Cuckoo Edible Magic
Cuckoo Edible Magic Reed Flores San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company (SFBATCO) It is Tumaiguini, the first month of the CHamoru year; and as the moon shifts to a new phase, something has ripped a hole in the universe, permitting a dark force to enter the world. Across the San Francisco Bay Area, imported rice cookers, elderly Tai Chi women, and dark shadowy … [Read more...] about Cuckoo Edible Magic
The Thing about Jellyfish
The Thing about Jellyfish Based on the Novel by Ali Benjamin Adapted for the Stage by Keith Bunin Berkeley Repertory Theatre A bright, curious, talk-a-mile-a-minute seventh-grade girl learns a life lesson that "sometimes things [even very bad things] just happen." To reach that important conclusion, Suzy must also ask herself, "What can jellyfish teach us about … [Read more...] about The Thing about Jellyfish
Accused! Patricia Milton Central Works Politicians and police ranting against immigrants and the crimes they bring. An invading plague blamed on other countries. Threats and fears of domestic terrorists and possible bombings. Suspicion of corrupt public officials. People of color ignored by police. Women’s opinions ridiculed and outright dismissed by the men in … [Read more...] about Accused!
Chaplin and Keaton on the Set of Limelight
Chaplin and Keaton on the Set of Limelight Greg Lam The Pear Theatre One was known worldwide for his bamboo cane, derby hat, toothbrush mustache, too-small black jacket, and a walk more like a penguin than a man. The other’s big screen image familiar to all was a clean-shaven face smothered in thick, white makeup; a deadpan expression with smile totally absent; baggy … [Read more...] about Chaplin and Keaton on the Set of Limelight
Garuda’s Wing
Garuda’s Wing Naomi Iizuka Magic Theatre in a Co-Production with Campo Santo “I’m going to tell you a story, and then maybe you’ll remember.” The last line of Naomi Iizuka’s latest play, Garuda’s Wing, is clearly aimed at us, the audience. The story we have witnessed over the past ninety minutes in Magic Theatre and Campo Santo’s world premiere production has been … [Read more...] about Garuda’s Wing
Being Alive: A Sondheim Celebration
When he was just fourteen and called by Robert Kelley to come and play the piano for a local theatre’s rehearsal session, could then young William Liberatore ever imagine that nearly five decades later in 2024 he would be opening his fiftieth show as music director with that same company, TheatreWorks Silicon Valley – a show he and Kelley, the company’s founder and now- … [Read more...] about Being Alive: A Sondheim Celebration
Pear Slices 2024
Pear Slices 2024 Various Playwrights Pear Theatre Pigs seeking shelter, zombies released by the millions, precious memories found in a flower garden, Juliet’s visitor in Romeo’s tomb, Tarot cards coming to life. These are just some of the glimpses from this year’s crop of Pear Slices 2024, the near-twentieth annual array of eight, original, one-act plays produced by … [Read more...] about Pear Slices 2024
Best Available
Best Available Jonathan Spector Shotgun Players What happens when we get to peek behind the curtain of a well-respected, nonprofit theater that is currently looking for a new artistic director after the former one suddenly resigned under mysterious circumstances? To answer that question for a hypothetical theater company – the City Repertory Company – acclaimed, … [Read more...] about Best Available
Galileo Danny Strong (Book); Michael Weiner & Zoe Sarnack (Music & Lyrics) Berkeley Repertory Theatre From one side we hear, “Science asks the questions; the Bible has the answers;” from the opposing view, “The Scriptures is a book about going to heaven; it is not a book about how the heavens go.” Sounds like countering arguments made in some current, state … [Read more...] about Galileo
The Tutor
The Tutor Torange Yeghiazarian New Conservatory Theatre Center, In Partnership with Golden Threads Productions “Everyone knows that everyone is lying … Eventually you learn what you can get away with publicly, and the rest, you manage privately … It may seem like a lot to juggle; but practice, daily practice makes perfect," declares the young Baran, soon after … [Read more...] about The Tutor
Sign My Name to Freedom: The Unheard Songs of Betty Reid Soskin
Sign My Name to Freedom: The Unheard Songs of Betty Reid Soskin Michael Gene Sullivan (Book); Betty Reid Soskin (Lyrics); Betty Reid Soskin, Daniel Sovio & Others (Music) Concept by Jamie Zimmer Based on the Life, Music & Writing of Betty Reid Soskin San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Company (SFBATCO) There are times when seeing a live, theatre production is … [Read more...] about Sign My Name to Freedom: The Unheard Songs of Betty Reid Soskin
The Pride of Lions
The Pride of Lions Roger Q. Mason Theatre Rhinoceros On October 1, 1928, Mae West opened her latest play, The Pleasure Man – a comic, murder mystery with a climatic Drag Ball spectacle, resulting in the show being raided in its first two – and only – performances before being permanently shut down by the New York vice squad. Over fifty performers were hauled off to … [Read more...] about The Pride of Lions
Unpacking In P’Town
Unpacking in P’Town Jewelle Gomez New Conservatory Theatre Center “Nothing erodes a mountain of pain better than a river of friendship.” So claims Lydia, one of four, long-term friends from yesteryear’s vaudeville circuit days who are once again returning to Provincetown for their annual, summer reunion. And in 1959, there is pain aplenty in the air of laid-back, … [Read more...] about Unpacking In P’Town