Murder on the Orient Express
Adapted by Ken Ludwig from the Novel by Agatha Christie
Palo Alto Players

For many of us, there is nothing better than curling up in a comfy chair and opening the first page of an Agatha Christie novel to see what devilish deed Hercule Poirot will solve this time. Perhaps the only thing better is to see all the suspense, speculation, and the final surprise announcement of guilt play out live before us. That is especially true for Palo Alto Players’ opening of Ken Ludwig’s 2017 stage adaptation of Agatha Christie’s 1934 Murder on the Orient Express in which magnificently maneuvered scenic elements, wonderfully split-second-timed direction, and a fabulously caricatured cast combine fun and funny with murder and mystery.
Please continue to Talkin’Broadway for the rest of my review.
Rating: 4 E
Murder on the Orient Express continues in its short run through June 30 in a two-hour, twenty-minute (plus intermission) production by Palo Alto Players at the Woodside Performing Arts Center, 199 Churchill Avenue, Woodside, CA. Tickets are available online at or by phone at 650-329-0891.
Photo Credit: Christian Pizzirani
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