Mary Zimmerman (based David Slavitt’s translation of the myths of Ovid)
Pear Theatre and Dragon Productions

The element that flows and freezes, falls from the sky and evaporates into the air, sustains all life and can drown all existence – This is the medium in which multiple, life-altering transformations occur in each of a dozen-plus vignettes of Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses. Now in an intimate, fascinating, and totally entertaining production at Pear Theatre in joint production with Dragon Productions, multiple myths of Ovid’s classic poem The Metamorphoses (as translated by David R. Slavitt) flow from one into the other in, around, and above an arena-filled pool of sometimes glassy serene, sometimes tumultuously stormy water. The ten cast members themselves metamorphose numerous times into eighty-five different persona – both mortal and godly – as they wade, float, splash, plunge, and even sink into the watery pool that is surrounded by and only a few feet from the audience.
Please continue to Talkin’ Broadway to read the rest of my review.
Rating: 4 E
Metamorphoses continues through April 10, 2022 in joint production by Pear Theatre and Dragon Productions at the Pear Theatre, 1110 La Avenida, Mountain View, CA. Tickets are available online at or or by leaving a detailed message at 650-254-1148.
Photo Credit: Sinjin Jones
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