Widowers’ HousesGeorge Bernard ShawAurora Theatre CompanyDan Hoyle, Michael Gene Sullivan, Megan Trout & Warren David KeithOne of the greatest forces in modern, Western literature who wrote over sixty plays during his long career on subjects from religion to politics to social justice began his career with a play just as relevant in the housing strapped Bay Area of 2018 as … [Read more...] about “Widowers’ Houses”
Aurora Theatre Company
“Luna Gale”
Luna GaleRebecca GilmanAurora Theatre CompanyJamie Jones, Devin S. O'Brien & Alix CuadraOn any given day in the U.S., over 400,000 kids are living in foster care environments, with at least a quarter of those placed by the courts with blood relatives in what is classified as kinship care. Social workers are assigned to each of those children to ensure where they live … [Read more...] about “Luna Gale”
TempleSteve WatersAurora Theatre CompanyPaul Whitworth Periodically punctuating the constant, background pounding of drums and the waves of a gathered mob’s protest chants are the grand and majestic chimes of St. Paul’s world-famous bells. The glory of the Church and the concerns of the people coincide in chorus as all is heard from the other side of a formal conference … [Read more...] about “Temple”
LENISarah GreenmanAuroraTheatre CompanyStacy RossHow much responsibility does an artist own when art is evidently going to be used as propaganda? Can an artist become so engrossed in the work’s creation to become oblivious to the content’s meaning and to the primary actors that are a part of its making? Is groundbreaking perfection of beauty and a positive, direct … [Read more...] about “LENI”
“The Real Thing”
The Real ThingTom StoppardAurora TheatreLiz Sklar, Carrie Paff, Seann Gallagher & Elijah AlexanderBoundaries between real life and life on the stage, between the written word and the spoken word, and between married couples who are also friends are just some of the borders constantly blurring and leading to surprises for the characters and the audience of Tom Stoppard’s The … [Read more...] about “The Real Thing”
“The Heir Apparent”
The Heir ApparentDavid IvesAdapted from Le Légataire universel by Jean-François RegnardAurora Theatre CompanyLisette, (Katie Rubin*), Madame Argonte (Elizabeth Carter*), Eraste (Kenny Toll), and Isabelle (Khalia Davis*) watch Geronte’s imposter (c. Patrick Kelly Jones*) sign his will in Aurora’s Bay Area Premiere of The Heir ApparentPandora’s Box has tumbled open at Aurora … [Read more...] about “The Heir Apparent”
“The How and the Why”
The How and the WhySarah TreemAurora Theatre CompanyMartha Brigham & Nancy CarlinFirst nervously fidgeting, then just staring blankly at her laptop with obvious, undefined anxiety, she sits in an office that has a feel of a holy sanctuary with its church-like window and beautiful cherry-wood floors. Minutes pass before a young woman with her own look of stressful … [Read more...] about “The How and the Why”
“Little Erik”
Little ErikMark JacksonAurora Theatre CompanyJack Wittmayer, Mariah Castle, Marilee Talkington, Joe Estlack & Wilman BonetWaves crash with awful fury as their deafening sounds echo all around us, with the flashing shadows of trees dancing in tumult on the stage we as audience surround on three sides. As the storm dies, a low, ominous, single chord lingers in the … [Read more...] about “Little Erik”
“The Monster-Builder”
The Monster-BuilderAmy FreedAurora Theatre CompanyDanny Scheie & Tracy HazasSometimes, no matter the play, seeing one particular actor’s performance is well worth the price of the ticket and the effort of the outing. And while there is much to like in the total cast and production of Aurora Theatre Company’s The Monster-Builder, the absolutely wicked architect … [Read more...] about “The Monster-Builder”
“Mud Blue Sky”
Mud Blue SkyMarisa WegrzynAurora Theatre CompanySam (c. l, Rebecca Dines) sends Jonathan (c. r, Devin O’Brien) on an errand as Angie (r, Laura Jane Bailey) watches and Beth (l, Jamie Jones) pours herself another drink in Aurora Theatre Company’s Mud Blue SkyIn case there is any audience member still hanging onto idealized visions of how glamorous traveling the skies is for … [Read more...] about “Mud Blue Sky”
DetroitLisa D’AmourAurora Theatre CompanyPhoto by David AllenThings are clearly amiss at Mary’s and Ben’s suburban home as they welcome new, next-door neighbors to a back-yard grill-over in Lisa D’Amour’s Pulitzer-nominated, Obie award-winning Detriot. The patio table’s umbrella keeps collapsing, the sliding glass door stubbornly sticks, Ben’s just become a victim of bank … [Read more...] about “Detroit”
“Fifth of July”
Fifth of JulyLanford WilsonAurora TheatreAn octet of family and long-time friends collect in the small living room literally at the audience’s feet in the intimate setting of the Aurora. Night has set in on July 4, 1977. Before twenty-four hours pass, a number of major transitions are going to occur, some more easily and happily than others. Hopes and … [Read more...] about “Fifth of July”
“Talley’s Folly”
Talley’s FollyLanford WilsonAurora Theatre CompanyHarry’s Upstage TheatreWalking in to visit an old friend not seen in years, I always wonder if our reunion will be as good as I remember our first meeting. Such is my feeling as I enter the small, intimate Harry’s Upstage at the Aurora and see the somewhat familiar “folly” before me – a latticed, gazebo-looking boat … [Read more...] about “Talley’s Folly”
“The Lyons”
The LyonsNicky SilverAurora Theatre CompanyAnd yet another family gathers on the current American stage either at the bedside of a dying relative or at their home mourning for a lost member. In Nicky Silver’s The Lyons, a mother, a son, and a daughter enter the hospital room of their dying, cranky, even bitter-about-his-now-spent-life husband and father. This is the … [Read more...] about “The Lyons”